UVA Health System, Radiology Research: How does air move in the lungs?

IRB/UVA Tracking #
Principal Investigator
Yun M Shim
Sarah Struchen
Contact Email
Contact Phone
Official Trial Title
HXe as a Diagnostic MRI Contrast Agent
Study Description

UVA Health System, Department of Radiology, seeks healthy volunteers OR those with COPD, cystic fibrosis, and/or those that smoke or have received radiation therapy treatment for a research study.
The purpose of the study is to look at how the air moves in your lungs using Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) with xenon and/or helium gas. Study includes spirometry (blowing into a tube connected to a computer), 6-minute-walk test, electrocardiogram, physical exam, chest CT and finger stick depending on your qualifications. Study requires 1-3 visits each lasting about 2-3 hours.

Study-related procedures provided free of charge.

Ages: 12-85


$100.00 minimum for study completion is based on the tests completed.