My name's Eduard de Lange, and I'm a radiologist here at UVA. My areas that I'm interested in as a radiologist are two areas. One is the fluoroscopy area, meaning the assessment of the upper, of the stomach and the esophagus and the bowel. And the other is MRI of the abdomen, predominantly for cancer of the pancreas or the bile ducts or liver. I've always from age six wanted to become a doctor. Don't know why. I was just curious how it all worked, and I was just fascinated by it. I still am. Very much fascinated. What the radiologist does is very much a team based approach. In finding the abnormalities and helping, determining the treatment that they will get. We have sub-specialty area, sub-specialties, every one of us is specialized in a certain area, and I think that expertise helps in the patient's care. I'm passionate about that the patient gets the best care they can get and that I can contribute to the patient's treatment and care in the best way.