My name is Dena Menzel. I'm a nurse practitioner with the University of Virginia Medical Center Radiology Department. I see patients who usually require minimally invasive image guided procedures. Everything from varicose veins to life-saving procedures, GI leads and OB/GYN and postpartum bleeds. There are so many diseases treated that can be done minimally invasive. It's something now that provides patients options to sometimes open surgeries. It's nice to feel that I have been very excited about. One unique experience that shaped my career was watching a ventri radiologist literally save the life of a woman who had just given birth to her newborn baby. She developed a significant bleed afterwards. It was an emergency situation as the ventri radiologist performed an artery embolization and saved her life. That, to me, was a pivotal moment. I realized I wanted to be a part of that team. One of the most gratifying things about my position is that I can be there for the patients before and after the procedures. It's the patient contact that I find the most gratifying. I enjoy being there for them for anything they need at all.