[MUSIC PLAYING] MARK ROMNESS: My name is Mark Romness. I'm one of the pediatric orthopedists at the University of Virginia Department of Orthopedic Surgery. We are one of the East Coast centers for treatment of kids with special needs such as cerebral palsy, spinal bifida, children who are delayed in their gross motor function, such as kids who aren't walking yet or delayed walking. And that's a major focus of what I do. What makes care here unique, especially at the Children's Hospital, is that the care really is focused on the child. We have a lot of top leaders here, including one of the presidents of the American Academy of Cerebral Palsy and Developmental Medicine. You have all these people in different areas of the hospital all focused on trying to make it a unique and special experience for the child, and people are just really dedicated to these kids. The most rewarding part of my job is just seeing kids get back to being kids, having family see the progress that the kid can make with the treatments that we do. I remember one situation where a father actually called me at home one night, because it was the first time his daughter had walked from one end of the house to the other, and she was seven years old. That's pretty powerful.