[MUSIC PLAYING] - My name is Meghan Tracci and I'm in the division of vascular and indovascular surgery. I like both the technical aspects of vascular surgery, which is very attentive to detail and very technically oriented, but I also like the fact that unlike a lot of areas of surgery, we actually follow patients frequently for the rest of their lives. So I see the same people over years and I enjoy that aspect of things. Our practice is unique in that it brings forth a really strong multi-disciplinary and multi-role integrated care in vascular surgery and really in cardiovascular care. People come in and they're frequently very intimidated by their problem. They're intimidated by the process. They're intimidated by the idea of going through surgery and we can really bring people along as partners, educate them about what they're dealing with, about their disease, and really let them know that we're working together. And we bring people through and they feel both physically better, but also much more confident that they're in the hands of a group of people who's really dedicated to looking after them. There are a lot of other things that are involved in being a physician, particularly physician at a teaching hospital. We teach, we participate in academic research, we try to keep absolutely up [AUDIO OUT] treatments on the latest research developments, but what I really like, all those other things aside, is the face to face time I get with the folks I see in the clinic and in the operating room. [MUSIC PLAYING]