[MUSIC PLAYING] - My name is Ryan Gentzler. I'm a medical oncologist and assistant professor of medicine at the University of Virginia. One of my first patient experiences in medical school was a patient who had an advanced lung cancer. I felt there was an emotional component that I was really drawn to that helping a patient through that very tumultuous time was very rewarding for me. My care philosophy is treating the entire patient. So not only focusing on their cancer aspect of their diagnosis, but the interaction that they have with family members and the support they need at home. Bringing new therapies to patients is one of the most exciting things that I think we do here at UVA. We have multiple clinical trials that add additional therapies to what we consider to be standard of care and one of the focuses that I've had is an immunotherapy or using the patient's own immune system to help fight the cancer. Developing these new therapies and new strategies for patients is moving the bar forward and helping them get early access to treatments that they would not be able to get elsewhere. I think the most rewarding part of my job is being able to see patients to establish a relationship with them, see them in good times and in bad times to help them through bad news, but also deliver good news. [MUSIC PLAYING]