WINSTON GWATHMEY: My name is Dr. Winston Gwathmey. I'm an orthopedic surgeon here at UVA specializing in sports medicine and hip arthroscopy. Orthopedic surgery to me has always been interesting, because I just liked the idea of treating people who have musculoskeletal injuries and having somebody who has an injury and getting them back to where they want to be in life. Well, the cool thing about orthopedic surgery is that the innovation and the evolution is tangible even on a month-to-month basis. And in particular, I do a procedure here at UVA called hip arthroscopy, which to be honest is a very new procedure. It doesn't really have big track record. And it requires basically a minimally invasive procedure to fix injuries of the hip that otherwise would require a hip replacement. And it's just fascinating for me as a clinician to be on the forefront of that. I feel like I'm adding to our collective understanding of how to treat patients who have hip injuries. I think it's important for a patient understand what's happening to them and why they hurt. If I repair your rotator cuff and that's it and you don't understand why are shoulder hurt in the first place and what we were doing, I think I've done you a disservice, because I haven't made you part of your care. And I always tell my patients they're in charge of the owner's manual for their body. And so whether it be a meniscus or a rotator cuff tear whatever it might be, not only do I get a chance to get to know that patient, but I also get a chance to let them get to know about their injury. That to me is just as important as providing the proper fixation of whatever injury they might have.