My name is Todd Villines and I'm a clinical cardiologist here at UVA. I see patients with all forms of heart disease. Growing up I saw how impactful physicians were to me and my family. How important they were, how appreciative we were of their care. And it really sparked my interest in going down a path and trying to help people. I spent the first 20 years of my career at Walter Reed in a military health care system and so that gave me the opportunity to care for just an amazing group of patients and to provide cardiology care around the world. I am probably most known for my work, my clinical work and my research in the area of cardiovascular CT, or cardiac computed tomography. What I like about cardiac CT is it's not just a diagnostic test to see whether someone has coronary artery disease. It is also linked to prevention. And so I think one of the areas that I'm most excited about in cardiology is not just treating all forms of heart disease, but actually preventing heart disease. I think the key word in patient care today is shared decision making. And so that with every visit that a patient fully understands whether they have cardiac disease or not what the testing we may do to sort that out or figure out perhaps what is causing their symptoms and the next steps. And we want to keep them informed at every step of the way.