My name is Dr. Jennifer Doorey and I'm a doctor of obstetrics and gynecology. In my day-to-day practice, I focus primarily on minimally invasive gynecologic surgeries. So that means laparoscopic surgery for things like hysterectomies, cysts and those types of typically benign conditions. I also see obstetric patients and do the full range of obstetric care; prenatal visits to delivery. It is a very fun mix of both science and math and then also day-to-day interactions with people, getting to actually help people understand their bodies, how everything works, and the different phases of life for women. I'm passionate about optimizing patient care. I really believe in that joint decision-making and having a conversation with the patient about the pros and cons and sort of moving away from this paternalistic view of medicine where we're telling you what the right answer is, but rather laying out all your options, having an honest discussion about your preferences. I really like both operating and doing procedures in the office because you get to both identify a problem and then fix it for somebody. And it is so very satisfying to be the person who can both identify that problem, but then actually provide the solution for it.