My name is Jonathan Hemler and I am a pediatric allergist and immunologist. I see all kinds of different allergic patients in the clinic, but I mostly focus my practice on food allergies; specifically mediated-type food allergies. I've always wanted to help people, to make their lives better, to engage in research. I love science and basic science. And so that's really what drew me into medicine. One of my big interests is research in food allergy and developing more of these types of medications to give patients options so that they can go on to have better quality of life and potentially a cure. What you can expect in the pediatric allergy clinic is a team-based approach where you see not only myself or another attending doctor, but trainees, residents, fellows, nurses and respiratory therapists. I love my job working with kids every day. I get to high five. I get to see them laugh. I get to play with them. It's really very particularly rewarding, especially when I get to see them over time and really get to see their lives improve. Whether that be with getting their asthma treatment better, with finally being able to diagnose what's going on with their food allergies, getting their allergic symptoms better. It really is very rewarding and I really enjoy the long-term relationships I get to develop with my patients and families.