I'm David Shonka and I'm an otolaryngologist, head neck surgeon at UVA. What I do most often is thyroid and parathyroid surgery. But I also see patients and treat patients with salivary gland tumors, cancerous and non-cancerous. I treat patients with other head neck cancers. I also do robotic surgery for cancers of the tongue and tonsils and voice box. You can take care of children all the way through elderly. And so there's a wide range of patients. Head neck cancers are tough cancers to have. They really affect a lot of things that we take for granted. Your speech, your voice, your ability to swallow. It's really an honor to take care of those patients because they're inspiring. I really think that I found exactly what I should be doing. I love my job and taking care of my patients and I don't think there's something else that id be as happy doing.