My name is Jennifer Herdman. I'm a family nurse practitioner. I work over at Culpeper Family Practice. You never know what's gonna be behind the door. It’s almost like a buffet. You could be anywhere from a GYN issue or a GI issue. It could be a cough or cold, a urinary tract infection. It all depends on what the patient's needs are, which is really the best part of my job. You need to feel connected to your provider in order to feel like you're being heard and you're getting good care. I try to provide that to my patients whether it's from… I try to provide quality care from cradle to grave. I think that you never know what someone's gonna go through in their life and it's important to have a provider that'll be right next to you along the journey because life throws a whole bunch of different things at you and you want somebody who understands you and understands your family. You want them to really listen to you and feel like you're being heard so that you get the best quality care that you can get and I feel that that's something that I am able to provide to my patients.