Eric Dowling: Melanoma is a type of cancer that arises in cells called melanocytes that are normally responsible for providing pigment to the skin. Lynn Dengel: The treatment for melanoma has changed dramatically in the recent decade. We now commonly use immunotherapy for advanced melanoma, and what that means is we're essentially taking the brakes off the immune system and letting the immune system work to treat the melanoma. Eric Dowling: Surgery for melanoma is often employed, including sizing the tumor with a margin of normal apparent tissue around it. Elizabeth Gaughan: For a patient with a new diagnosis of melanoma, when they come to our clinic, they'll probably be seen by several different providers. What we all try to determine is what is the best course of treatment for that patient. Eric Dowling: UVA is unique in that we have a melanoma-specific multidisciplinary team, so I work very closely with other surgical oncologists, medical oncologists, radiation doctors, dermatologists, pathologists, among many others. Elizabeth Gaughan: We have a really wonderful melanoma team at UVA. It's a really diverse group, and fortunately it's been growing as the science has improved and expanded. Eric Dowling: We discuss all of our melanoma patients at a weekly meeting in order to ensure that the team agrees on our approach to treatment. We assess the response to treatment, as well as identify patients that would be candidates for enrollment in clinical trials. Lynn Dengel: We, of course, have cutting-edge technology, the best research protocols, new treatments and trials available, but truly, I think it's the group of physicians and care providers that work together that provide a unique experience at UVA.