A map view showing the Grove Street community project area

Grove Street Community Project

What is Grove Street?

The Grove Street site is made up of several properties next to the Cherry Avenue Mixed-use Corridor. Right now, the site has a training center and a small parking lot. 

The Grove Street site sits along a busy roadway. The area isn't well planned out for walking and isn't very connected to the rest of the Fifeville neighborhood. The site borders railway tracks to the north that separate it from UVA Health.

See the Grove Street basemap.

Meeting Long-Term Community Needs

The Grove Street site presents a unique opportunity to serve as a gateway for the Fifeville community. Through your feedback and recommendations, the services and programs we offer there can meet both the long-term needs of the community and UVA Health.

What is the Schedule for Development?

The properties along Grove Street are located in Area B under the Three-Party Agreement. UVA must submit planning documents to the City of Charlottesville Planning Commission for review and recommendation. The Grove Street feasibility study is scheduled to take 9 to 11 months to complete.

Image above provided by CannonDesign.