our specialists offer innovative cancer treatments

Cancer Treatments

Make an Appointment

Cancer treatments can feel intimidating. You might struggle with figuring out which treatments to have and where to get them.

Talking to Your Doctor About Cancer Treatments

Tell your doctors what’s important to you. State your concerns and worries. Don't be afraid to ask questions and express your values.

Learn as much as you can about your:

  • Prognosis
  • Treatment options
  • Possible side effects
  • Options for managing those side effects

Ask detailed questions about the risks and benefits of each therapy. Unsure? You can also get a second opinion.

Genetics: A Starting Point

Whether you have a diagnosis or not, you might want to see a genetics specialist. Finding out your cancer risks can help guide both prevention and treatment. Learn more about the benefits of cancer genetic counseling.

When Cancer Spreads to the Brain

Cancers like melanoma, breast and lung cancer can spread to the brain. We call this brain metastases. This makes cancer more challenging to treat. But we have the expertise you need. Learn more about treatments for brain metastases.