Are you a type 1 diabetic with hypoglycemic unawareness?

UVA Tracking #
Principal Investigator
Kenneth Brayman
Robin Kelly
Contact Email
Contact Phone
Official Trial Title
A Phase I/II, Open-Arm Study Evaluating the Safety of Islet Transplant on Patients with Type I Diabetes
Study Description

The Division of Transplant Surgery seeks adults ages 18 and above with type 1 diabetes for a research study. The purpose of the study is to evaluate the safety of an investigational treatment, Islet transplant, in people with severe type 1 diabetes.

You may be eligible for this study if: You have had at least one (1) episode of SEVERE hypoglycemia in the past 3 years, have reduced awareness of hypoglycemia, and are qualified as a candidate for pancreas transplant

Study involves Islet cell transplant procedure in interventional radiology with inpatient stay to stabilize glucose. Follow up with 29 study visits over 1 year following the transplant.

Study-related procedure, labs, and immunosuppression medications provided free of charge.


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