Hormone Study for Adolescent Girls Between the Ages of 10 - 17

IRB/UVA Tracking #
Principal Investigator
Christine M Burt-Solorzano
Melissa Gilrain
Contact Email
Contact Phone
Official Trial Title
Time course of waking vs. sleep-associated LH pulse frequency suppression in response to progesterone in late pubertal girls with and without hyperandrogenemia (CRM003)
Study Description

The Center for Research in Reproduction seeks healthy adolescent girls ages 10 – 17 who have started their menstrual cycles for a research study. We are also enrolling girls ages 10 – 17 who have symptoms of high male hormone (excess hair growth, irregular periods). The purpose of the study is to assess whether progesterone and elevated levels of male hormone influences hormone patterns in mid to late puberty in adolescent girls.

This study involves 3 outpatient visits and 2 inpatient admissions to the Clinical Research Unit that last 20 hours each. Participants will be given 4 oral doses of placebo and progesterone as a part of study procedures. Sleep is also monitored during the admissions.

Study-related exams, tests and medications are provided free of charge. For more information contact pcos@virginia.edu


$500 in gift cards