Uvea Inflammation (Uveitis)

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Any sudden vision change can be alarming. If your vision has suddenly blurred you might feel afraid, especially if it's accompanied by pain. With any vision loss, it's important to seek treatment right away. A doctor can help prevent vision loss and also manage the pain you may be experiencing.  

How Is Uveitis Diagnosed?

First, your doctor will talk to you about your symptoms.

What Are the Symptoms of Uveitis?

Uveitis usually makes your eye appear red. Your vision will most likely be blurred or misty, and won't be cleared by blinking.
Usually, uveitis only affects one eye. In the affected eye, the pupil might look different. It's often smaller or irregular in shape.
In addition to these symptoms, there is usually pain.

  • Redness
  • Blurry vision
  • Pain
  • Unusual-looking pupil 

If your doctor thinks you have uveitis, they'll use a slit lamp to look at your eye. This test is quick, easy, and painless. 
With dilation and a special magnifying lens, your doctor will be able to do a thorough exam of your eye.
They'll also talk to you about your health history to rule out other causes. 

Treatment at UVA Health

Medications are used to reduce inflammation and control eye pressure.

Natural supplements are also used to complement traditional medication. Vitamin C and E have shown great promise in improving visual accuracy. Other natural supplements have been suggested as treatments, including fish oil and red clover, but no studies have shown the effectiveness of these treatments.

Why Is Medical Treatment Important?

Without prompt treatment, this condition can permanently damage your vision. It can even cause blindness.

What Is Uveitis?

Uveitis refers to any inflammation of the uvea, which is the middle layer of the eye. This layer stretches from the iris to the lining behind the retina. There are three types of uveitis, which are named based on where they occur.

  • Iritis (or “anterior uveitis”) - toward the front of the eye
  • Cyclitis (or “intermediate uveitis”) - along the body of the eye
  • Choroiditis (or “posterior uveitis”) -in the rear of the eye

Uvea inflammation can be either acute or chronic, depending on how long it’s present. 

What Causes Uveitis?

This inflammation frequently begins after the eye’s injured or after surgery. But there can also be no obvious trigger. When there’s no obvious underlying cause, autoimmune processes are the most likely cause.