Benign Brain Tumor

Benign Brain Tumor Treatment

Service Type
Tumors at the base of the skull make treatment highly complex. Hard to reach, these challenging tumors affect several areas of the body, from brain function and balance to speaking and swallowing. At UVA we use advanced technology to treat skull base tumors and other neurological conditions with a level of accuracy that lets you avoid invasive, stressful surgery. Instead, we use minimally invasive procedures that allow tumor removal with less damage to the brain and surrounding structures.
Clinical Practice Terms

Benign Brain Tumor FAQs

Service Type

Finding out you have a brain tumor is frightening. Most of the time, a brain tumor is not cancerous. But that doesn't mean you don't have questions, want a second opinion, or need treatment. Get started with these benign brain tumor FAQs.

What Is a Benign Brain Tumor?

A benign brain tumor is a non-cancerous mass of slow-growing cells in and around the brain. The good news: These tumors usually don’t spread to other parts of the body. And most of the time, they’re curable.

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