Medical Services

Pancreatic Cysts

Service Type

Pancreatic cysts increase your risk for cancer. We can get ahead of pancreatic cancer by finding and treating pancreatic cysts.

At UVA Health, you'll find one of the first programs in the country dedicated to pancreas cysts. We have effective, high-tech tools for screening and surgery. We can address your risk as quickly as possible.

Pancreatic Cysts: Hidden & Silent

Usually, pancreatic cysts don't cause symptoms. They only show up on scans you might get for something else. This makes it hard to know if you have cysts. 

Clinical Practice Terms

Anesthesia: FAQs

Service Type
Questions about anesthesia and who will be monitoring you during the procedure? You’ll most likely be sedated to help you stay comfortable and pain-free during surgery, but some people might feel uncomfortable about this.

Hiatal Hernia Treatment

Service Type

Burning or other pain in your chest, problems swallowing, and issues breathing could be signs of a hiatal hernia. A hiatal hernia is when part of your stomach moves up into your chest area through a small hole in your diaphragm. The diaphragm is a large muscle that separates your belly and chest.

There are different types of hiatal hernias:

Clinical Practice Terms

Gamma Knife

Service Type

If you're facing brain surgery, you might have another option. Gamma Knife treatment can shrink or destroy brain tumors in a safe, effective way.

Gamma Knife radiosurgery uses focused radiation to target brain and pituitary tumors, arteriovenous malformations (AVMs), acoustic neuromas and other conditions. When traditional brain surgery can't help or fails, Gamma Knife is the treatment of choice.

Clinical Practice Terms