Medical Services

Weight-Loss Surgery

Service Type
"Obesity is a preventable medical condition that can cause diabetes, high blood pressure, sleep apnea and joint problems. If exercise and diet alone have failed to help, weight loss surgery offers an effective way to lose weight and improve your health. At UVA, we have the most experienced bariatric and metabolic surgery team in Central Virginia. We offer the following procedures: Surgical options: Gastric bypass Sleeve gastroplasty Non-surgical options:
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Prosthetics & Orthotics: What to Expect

Service Type

Getting Your Prosthetic or Orthotic Device

It starts with a prescription and a referral from your healthcare provider. You’ll come to the P&O clinic with the prescription, where we’ll review with you the details of your case. Together, we’ll determine what kind of device is best based on your wants, lifestyle, and level of activity.

Genetic Counseling for Cancer

Service Type

You get your eye and hair color from your parents. But you can also inherit cancer. We don't know what causes most cancers. But about 5-10% of all cancers are caused by genetic mutations that are inherited.

We can test you for these gene changes. Genetic testing for cancer genes is done through a blood test. It can give you and your healthcare providers valuable information, far beyond a DNA test you might take on your own. 

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Why Genetic Counseling & Testing?

Service Type

Genetic counseling and testing can give you valuable, precise information for your life.

What Happens During a Genetic Counseling Session?

When you meet with a genetic counselor, we’ll draw family trees as we’re talking and ask detailed questions about personal and family medical histories. Our goal is to gather as much information as we can about the health history of your family.

We use this family history to map out your possible cancer risks and see which factors need to be analyzed in a personalized genetic test of your blood or other fluids.

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Who Should Get Genetic Testing?

Service Type

Who Should Get Genetic Testing? You should consider getting genetic testing if you have:

  • A recent or current cancer diagnosis at a young age
  • Multiple types of any cancer or multiple people with cancer in your family

Often, people learn about several cases of cancer in their family. They want to know what’s causing it and what it means for them. Others get to the point of having children or already have young children and worry about what a history of cancer in the family means for their risk.

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Cancer Genetics FAQs

Service Type

If my genetic testing is negative, showing I don’t have an increased risk of getting cancer, does this mean I’m at low risk or will never get cancer?

No. Genetic testing, while extremely accurate, can't determine whether you will or will not ever get cancer. We can narrow down your specific chances of getting certain kinds of cancer, but no test exists to say for sure what will or won't happen.

Refer a Patient for Interventional Radiology

Service Type

You can refer patients to any of these outpatient interventional radiology services, organized by referring physician specialty.

Internal & Family Medicine

  • Acute deep venous thrombosis or chronic venous disease causing leg swelling 

  • Celiac block for chronic abdominal pain

  • Tenex for fascitis, particularly elbow, ankle, and feet

  • Treatments for lower extremity arterial occlusive disease

Interstitial Lung Disease: What to Expect

Service Type

At your first visit, we’ll talk with you about how you’re feeling and your symptoms. You’ll meet with a few providers who may set up tests for you.

Plan for this first visit to take a full day.

Diagnosing Your Interstitial Lung Disease

On your first visit, we may perform tests to learn more about your interstitial lung disease and to look for a possible cause. We’ll also go over any tests you’ve had at other hospitals. 

We'll need to measure:

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Liver Biopsy

Service Type
This is a procedure to obtain a sample of your liver tissue. Biopsies of the liver are usually done to evaluate: Abnormal blood tests (eg, elevated liver ...
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