Medical Services

Lutathera® : Neuroendocrine Tumor Treatment

Service Type

Neuroendocrine tumors (NETS) grow in the glands that create hormones. They can start in the lungs, stomach, pancreas, or gut. Often NETS grow silently, without symptoms. Some produce hormones that damage your digestive system and blood sugar. Lutathera is a neuroendocrine tumor treatment that slows down or stops tumor growth.

UVA Health is one of the first hospitals in the region to offer this radioactive drug.

Appointments by referral only.

Clinical Practice Terms

Transgender Hormone Therapy

Service Type

As a trans woman, trans man, or nonbinary person, you may want your body to look and feel differently. You may hope to look as female or male as possible. Or you might just want less obvious sex characteristics. Whatever your goal, we’ll work with you to find the right transgender hormone therapy for you.

Ready to begin hormones? Unsure? Either way, we’re here to help. You don’t need a referral to see us.

What Does Transgender Hormone Therapy Do?

Starting hormone therapy is like going through a second puberty. You’ll experience changes that are:

Clinical Practice Terms

Surgery & Procedures

Service Type

We know that surgery can be a difficult experience for you and your family. Our goal is to help you move, breathe, eat, sleep, and be comfortable, so you recover as soon as possible.

Types of Surgery

At UVA Health, we offer all kinds of surgery. Our high-tech robots, imaging-guided methods, and tiny video cameras give you options. Because of our expertise, we have a number of ways to make major surgery faster, better, and less painful. 

Breast MRI & Fast Breast MRI

Service Type

Regular mammograms find breast cancers in most women. But you may need a more advanced scan. A breast MRI reveals more than a typical mammogram.

At UVA, we offer two types of breast MRIs:

  • Conventional Breast MRI, for women at high risk for breast cancer
  • Fast Breast MRI, for women at average risk with dense breast tissue

Regular mammograms use X-rays. A breast MRI scan uses magnetic waves and IV dye to take 3D pictures of the breast.

Clinical Practice Terms

Gynecologic Surgery: Minimally Invasive Options

Service Type

Pelvic pain, bleeding, infertility: Gynecological issues can disrupt your life. Finding treatments that work can feel overwhelming. At UVA, we offer minimally-invasive gynecologic surgery for quicker, safer relief. You can get effective, same-day treatment without missing too much of your job, family, and life.

Traditional & Specialty Procedures

We offer everything from standard operations to high-tech treatments, including:

Clinical Practice Terms

LGBTQ & Gender Health Terms

Service Type

These gender health terms don't cover everything. But they should give you a basic understanding of the services we offer to the LGBTQ+ community.

LGBTQ – Stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer. Common acronym for a group of sexual orientation and gender identities that fall outside dominant norms. Does not represent all identities. Many variations exist to include categories like questioning, intersex, asexual, allies (LGBTQIA, LGBTQ+, LGBTQIAA).

Clinical Practice Terms

HoLEP Prostate Treatment

Service Type

An enlarged prostate can make you feel controlled by your bladder. You need to urinate too much. Or you find it hard to urinate when you need to. If medicines and other treatments have failed to help, the HoLEP prostate treatment could bring you relief.  

Benign prostatic hyperplasia, or BPH, is when the prostate grows from its normal walnut-size to sometimes the size of a grapefruit. You’ll need treatment if this condition blocks urine flow. It can lead to serious issues like:

Clinical Practice Terms

Motility Disorders: Digestive Diagnostics

Service Type

Your gastrointestinal (GI) system digests and moves food through your body. GI motility refers to the pace and ease of that food movement. Disease, injury, infection, and other motility disorders can slow down or speed up your food’s journey.

Signs of a Motility Disorder

You might have a motility issue if you have:

Inflammatory Bowel Disease

Service Type

Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) can hamper your life. Pain, diarrhea, and fatigue make daily life hard. You might have a lot of questions. What should you eat? Do you need probiotics? Will treatment work?

At UVA, we take the time to listen to how IBD impacts your life. We then walk you through your specific case. We help you understand your options for managing your symptoms.

Radiation Treatment for Cancer

Service Type

Radiation therapy uses high-energy particles to try to get rid of the cancer in your body. Over half of cancer patients get radiation treatment for cancer.

Specialized Radiation Treatment for Cancer at UVA

At UVA, we have radiation technology you won't find everywhere. These therapies target specific types of cancer and locations in your body, including: