When you have a scar on your face, you can't hide it. Having a scar repair and revision procedure to lessen a scar’s appearance can help you regain confidence.
We first address an unwanted scar by analyzing the reasons it may stand out:
- Pigment – its color contrasts to that of the surrounding skin
- Contour – the scar bulges out (raised) or caves in (depressed)
- Orientation – the line of the scar travels in a perpendicular or crossways relationship to your other features, like wrinkles
Scar Repair and Revision Treatment
Treatment can take a number of forms, but which form works best for your scar depends upon why it stands out. At UVA, we have the complete range of options, including:
- Cryotherapy
- Dermabrasion
- Filler
- Skin grafts
- Surgery
While you may find one or two of these solutions elsewhere, you run the risk of receiving generic, generalized care. At UVA, we have access to all of the scar treatment options. This gives us the ability to accurately assess and plan the best approach for your specific needs.