Parkinson’s Diagnosis

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Shaky hands, difficulty walking, changes in facial expressions. When you have symptoms like these, it makes sense to wonder if it’s Parkinson’s disease. But when you ask your doctor, you may get a frustrating answer: maybe.

You’re not alone. For many people, getting a Parkinson’s diagnosis can take a long time and be anything but straightforward.

How Is Parkinson’s Diagnosed?

Why is it so hard to get a Parkinson’s diagnosis? No single test exists for Parkinson’s. Instead, we make a Parkinson’s diagnosis by carefully considering:

  • Your symptoms
  • Results from a physical exam
  • Your medical history
  • Imaging and bloodwork results, in some cases

Parkinson’s Diagnosis at UVA Health

At UVA Health, we’re here to support you through this process. Our Parkinson’s disease experts have the knowledge and experience needed to help you understand:

  • What your symptoms could mean
  • Each step of the diagnostic process
  • What to do in the meantime

The Hallmark Symptoms

We follow guidelines set by the International Parkinson and Movement Disorder Society (MDS). These standards reflect the latest understanding of Parkinson’s.

We’ll look for the hallmark features of Parkinson’s. You have to have:

  1. Slowness of movement (bradykinesia


  1. at least 1 of these:
  • Movements you can’t control (tremor) in at least 1 limb
  • Stiffness (rigidity) your arms, legs, and/or trunk
  • Trouble with balance
person holding glass of water with shaky hands

Early Signs of Parkinson's?

Binit Shah, MD, shares which symptoms of Parkinson's tend to develop first and what to do if you notice them.

Learn the Signs

Ruling Out Other Conditions

Part of making a Parkinson’s diagnosis is ruling out other possible causes. Many conditions mimic Parkinson’s, like essential tremor or another neurological disease.

These tests can help us rule out other conditions:

Supporting You During Your Parkinson’s Diagnosis Process & Beyond

Making a Parkinson’s diagnosis can take a long time. It takes careful consideration. An accurate diagnosis is critical to making sure you receive the correct treatment.

But even if you don’t have an official diagnosis, you can still get treatment and support at UVA Health. You can also receive support from our social workers.

And if you do receive a Parkinson’s diagnosis, we offer wrap-around support, along with the latest Parkinson’s disease treatments.