Skin Cancer Treatment

Skin cancer is very common. Millions of people get diagnosed every year. Many people get a mole removed, and that's it. But some types of skin cancer can spread and kill. If you think you have skin cancer, you'll want to find skin cancer treatment as soon as possible.

At UVA Health, you'll find skin cancer treatment experts. Our highly specialized team has the experience and skill to treat all kinds of skin cancers, at any stage, with precision. We apply our expertise to your individual situation.

The Sun & Skin Cancer

A little sun is good for you. Sunlight triggers your body to make vitamin D. This nutrient keeps your bones strong. 

You only need a few minutes of sun a day to make vitamin D. Too much sun exposes you to ultraviolet or UV rays. These rays cause most skin cancers. 

If you've had a lot of sun exposure during your life, you'll want to get mole checks and screenings on a regular basis. You'll want to have these done by people who know what they're doing.

At UVA Health, we take your risk seriously. Our response to any sign of trouble is rapid and thorough. We're here to help you avoid cancer in the first place.

Learn more about how to prevent skin cancer.

Skin Cancer Treatment at UVA Health

No matter what type of skin cancer you have, you can expect care from experts who focus specifically on treating skin cancer.

Melanoma Program

We have one of the nation's most outstanding programs for melanoma.

We lead the world in developing new treatments for melanoma. We're working on ways to cure melanoma and keep it from coming back. Our research focuses on how the body’s immune system can kill cancer. 

We have several open clinical trials for melanoma. If you qualify, you can take part in these studies. You'll get access to the latest therapies for treating melanoma

Skin Lymphomas

At UVA Health, we have a dedicated clinic for those facing skin lymphoma.  

Also known as cutaneous lymphoma, this is a rare type of skin cancer. It’s not caused by spending too much time in the sun. It can look like a skin allergy. Learn more about our expertise in treating all types of skin lymphoma.

Basal & Squamous Cell Cancers

We have experts who treat these common types of skin cancer. Often, we can use Mohs surgery to treat basal cell and squamous cell cancers. With Mohs, we remove the cancer, layer by layer. After taking off each layer of skin, we look at it under the microscope. This allows us to see the exact location of the cancer cells. This means we can save as much healthy tissue as possible.

Although this procedure happens in stages, it takes place during one visit.

Find out more about Mohs surgery.

    Considering best surgery for skin cancer

    When Is Mohs Right for Skin Cancer?

    Read our quick guide on finding the right skin cancer treatment.
    A Dermatologist Weighs In

    Conditions We Treat

    • Actinic keratosis, sun-damaged skin where cancer can start
    • Atypical nevus, irregular moles that can turn into cancer
    • Basal cell carcinoma
    • Cutaneous lymphoma that attacks the skin
    • Kaposi’s sarcoma, cancer in the lining of blood vessels and lymph nodes that causes purple spots on skin