Rehab Therapy Services

Surgery, injury, or illness — these can take a toll on your quality of life. You might need support managing a tough disability. Or maybe you're recovering from an accident, a stroke, a battle with cancer, or having a baby. Our rehab therapy services help you get comfortable with moving your body, talking, and taking care of yourself.

We can help relieve your pain and increase your strength and flexibility — and so much more.

Why Choose Rehab Therapy Services at UVA Health?

Our services use the latest rehab techniques. All our methods and programs aim to meet your needs.

You'll work with experts who use the:

  • Most advanced equipment 
  • Latest therapies to speed your recovery

Certified and accredited, our therapists see patients of all ages.

We also offer a range of solutions for pain management.

When You Need More Than Everyday Rehab

Not every physical therapist has the special training for severe and unique situations. At UVA Health, you'll find therapies for concussion, incontinence, lymphedema, and more specialty therapy services.

Hospital-Based Therapy for a Better Recovery

You may need therapy after an injury or illness.

To get you ready to leave the hospital, our team of physical, occupational, and speech therapists can help:

  • Improve your function
  • Get you back to doing daily activities

We also provide patient and family education so you understand your condition. This means you'll have the greatest potential to make a full recovery, plus know how to avoid further disability.

Physical Therapy Scheduled Around You

Our physical therapists offer evaluation and treatment to help improve your mobility, balance, coordination and musculoskeletal problems — all scheduled around you.

Learn more about our physical therapy programs.

Regain Your Independence with Occupational Therapy

Physical injury or disease can take away your independence. Our comprehensive occupational therapy programs use a team approach to help you return to your everyday tasks and activities.

Speech Therapy for Your Situation

Are you a singer or voice actor? Do you have a chronic illness weakening your vocal cords? Whatever your scenario, we have highly skilled speech therapists who can coach you to use your full voice. 

We also provide services to the transgender community and to those who've had a larynx removed. 

See all of our speech therapy services.