Vocal Cord Treatment

Speech Therapy

Service Type

When an illness or cancer affects your throat or vocal cords, you’ll likely need more than medical treatment alone. These problems can affect your ability to swallow, speak, and sing naturally and without pain. At UVA health, you have access to the highest level of expertise in voice and swallowing therapy to get you back to where you belong.

Our specialized care can help you return to activities like eating, drinking, talking with friends, and singing, both for fun or at a professional level.

Clinical Practice Terms

Diagnosing Voice, Breathing, & Swallowing Disorders

Service Type

Our ear, nose, and throat experts have access to the latest tools and technology to help them make the most accurate diagnosis and create effective treatment plans for your voice, swallowing, and breathing disorders.

Checking Voice Problems

We strive to make sure you get the right diagnosis and personalized treatment that works. That means we'll spend lots of time listening as we go over the history of your condition and paying careful attention to the subtle sounds in your throat to lead us to the right diagnosis. 

Your visit also includes:

Clinical Practice Terms