Medical Services

LGL Leukemia Registry

Service Type

LGL Leukemia Registry Overview

The LGL Leukemia Registry is the only national database and blood and tissue bank of specimens from patients with LGL leukemia. Because LGL is a rare form of leukemia, samples from the registry represent a unique resource for learning more about the disease with the hope of finding better treatments or, one day, a cure. These samples also allow for exploration into the relationship between LGL leukemia and potentially related diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis.

Learn About LGL Leukemia

Service Type

Limited sources of information about LGL leukemia exist. These resources offer an overview of this rare disease, including a basic scientific framework to help you understand how we diagnose the disease. 


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If you have esophageal cancer, choosing the right thoracic surgeon and team is important. At UVA, we perform more esophagectomies for cancer than any other ...
Clinical Practice Terms

Men's Health

Service Type

According to the National Institute of Health, men tend to ignore their health and avoid the doctor. Men, more than women, tend to smoke, drink and make unhealthy choices. 

At UVA, we know that overall wellness can affect men's sexual and prostate health. We've seen how sexual dysfunction is actually one of the highest predictors of a heart attack. That's why our experts, who treat everything from erectile dysfunction to low testosterone, vasectomies and prostate issues, care for you as a whole person.