Medical Services

Sarcoidosis Treatment

Service Type
Sarcoidosis is an inflammatory disease that may affect many different parts of the body. Small round spots, called granulomas, form in various organs. The ...
Clinical Practice Terms

Sleep Apnea

Service Type
Sleep apnea is a condition in which breathing is repeatedly interrupted during sleep. The time period for which the breathing stops or decreases is usually ...
Clinical Practice Terms

Types of Infusions

Service Type

Different types of infusions exist for a range of conditions.

You might need an infusion for a number of reasons, like if:

Infusion Therapy FAQs

Service Type

Will getting infusion make me sick? 

We can anticipate which medicines might have side effects. We can give you other medicines to keep you from getting sicker before that happens.

What if I have a bad reaction to the medication?

You'll see a red box near every patient. These boxes contain emergency medicines to treat you immediately, should you have a bad reaction to a drug. 

Infusion Therapy

Service Type

If you’re going to have infusion therapy for the first time, you probably have a lot of questions. Will treatment make you sick? Will it work? You might have a fear of needles. Or, maybe you just feel nervous, because you don’t know what to expect.

The infusion therapy team at UVA has been comforting and supporting people for years. You’ll find caring, experienced nurses, volunteers and staff ready to answer your questions, walk you through the process, and ensure your safety and comfort.

STD Testing at UVA

Service Type

Routine sexually transmitted disease (STD) testing can protect you from serious risks.

If you have an unknown and untreated STD:

  • You can spread the disease to others
  • You risk suffering permanent damage

At UVA, we urge you to get tested often. Read these STD testing FAQs.

    STD Testing at UVA

    Talking about your sexual history can feel embarrassing. You may want to avoid testing and hope for the best. At UVA, you can count on:

    Clinical Practice Terms

    STD Testing FAQs

    Service Type

    Can you have an STD and not know it?

    Yes. Even if you don't have symptoms, you may still have a sexually transmitted disease (STD). Syphilis, gonorrhea and chlamydia can all live in your body without you knowing it. Syphilis can live in your body silently for decades.

    If you don't have symptoms of an STD, can you still spread it?


    Do STDs cause permanent damage?

    STDs can cause permanent damage to you, depending on the infection and how long you go without treatment, including:

    Clinical Practice Terms

    Food Allergy

    Service Type

    Swelling in your mouth, itchiness, or nausea after eating can ruin a good meal. If you find these symptoms happening after eating, they could be symptoms of a food allergy.

    A food allergy is when your immune system (the part of your body that protects you from infections) has a reaction to a food or something added to the food. Your immune system has a reaction to something it shouldn't.

    The most common triggers of a food reaction include:

    Clinical Practice Terms