Medical Services

Imaging & Radiology

Service Type
We provide high-quality, personalized, subspecialty imaging services in a number of outpatient and inpatient settings. From routine diagnostic scans to highly advanced, non-invasive radiological interventions, the expertise of both our board-certified radiologist physicians and our experienced technologists runs the gamut of imaging care. Along with offering consultations and meeting the needs of referring physicians, we continue to push the boundaries of research, finding new ways to use medical imaging to advance the possibilities of patient care.

Cochlear Implants

Service Type
Cochlear implants help people with severe hearing loss. At UVA, our expert teams of surgeons and audiologists have been implanting cochlear devices since they were first available in the 1980s.
Clinical Practice Terms

Pancreatic Cancer

Service Type

Pancreatic cancer is hard to treat. Once you have it, surgery is the only cure. But surgery only works for 10-15% of patients. That's why knowing your risk and getting care early is key. 

At UVA Health, you'll find a team on the front lines of care and research. We're experts at pancreatic cancer surgery. And we continue to explore ways to catch pancreatic cancer before it strikes.

Clinical Practice Terms

Uterine Fibroids Treatment Options

Service Type

Pain or unusual bleeding during your period could be a sign of uterine fibroids. They don't usually cause symptoms or need treatment. But if they do, you want to find the best uterine fibroid treatment options available.

Fibroids are growths in the wall of your uterus. They aren't cancer (they are benign). The growths may be as small as an apple seed or as large as a grapefruit. As many as 2 out of 3 women have them by age 50.

Fistulagram: What to Expect

Service Type

You may have a fistula to help make dialysis effective and possible. This surgical connection between an artery and a vein sometimes gets blocked. We can detect a clot or narrowing of your fistula by taking X-ray images. We call this a fistulagram. During a fistulagram, we can fix any problems. 

Learn what to expect during a fistulagram. This is an important part of your care for kidney failure

Telemedicine: Telehealth Services

Virtual medicine. Telemedicine. Telehealth. Online healthcare. What does it all mean? When you can’t make it to the experts, we bring them to you. The UVA Karen S. Rheuban Center for Telehealth has over 20 years of experience making healthcare connections betweens specialists and patients throughout Virginia, the region and beyond. Why Choose a Telemedicine Appointment Telemedicine saves time and money as well as lives. Staying close to home, you can: