Medical Services

Skull Base Surgery

Service Type

Skull base tumors are tumors in the skull base, the bottom part of the skull that the brain rests on. These tumors can be cancerous or benign (not cancer). Skull base tumors can be tricky to treat because they're often close to important areas of the brain. It takes skill and expertise to treat these tumors without damaging major nerves, blood vessels, or the brainstem. 

Clinical Practice Terms

Headache & Migraine Treatment

Service Type

Throbbing and pulsing pain in your head, along with nausea or sensitivity to light, can stop you cold in your tracks. These hard-to-ignore symptoms can interfere with your work and life activities. If left untreated, severe headaches, like migraines, can be debilitating.

At UVA Health, we can help. Our goal is to get you the right diagnosis and personalized care to help you and your family cope with your headaches and maximize your quality of life. 

Migraine Treatment

Treating migraines usually involves medication:

World-Class Care in Northern Virginia

Service Type

At UVA Health, we're committed to keeping you and your family healthy. Whether you need routine checkups or treatment for a serious condition, you'll find world-class care that's personalized to you — throughout Northern Virginia.

For the moment you need the best medical care, we're here. 

Made for the Moment You Need Us the Most

UVA Health expertise in your own backyard gives you access to:

Benign Brain Tumor FAQs

Service Type

Finding out you have a brain tumor is frightening. Most of the time, a brain tumor is not cancerous. But that doesn't mean you don't have questions, want a second opinion, or need treatment. Get started with these benign brain tumor FAQs.

What Is a Benign Brain Tumor?

A benign brain tumor is a non-cancerous mass of slow-growing cells in and around the brain. The good news: These tumors usually don’t spread to other parts of the body. And most of the time, they’re curable.

Clinical Practice Terms

Breast Care for Lumps & Pain

Service Type

Breast pain does not always mean breast cancer. Other conditions can cause discomfort and pain. Swelling and tenderness could happen for a number of reasons. At UVA Health, you'll find caring providers with the experience needed to make the right diagnosis. We offer breast care you can trust.

Breast Pain: Mastalgia

Sometimes, hormones imbalance can cause too much breast gland tissue to grow. The resulting pain, called mastalgia, can happen to men, women, and transgender people. It can come and go or stay all the time. 

Weight-Loss Support & Bariatric Surgery

Service Type

It's hard to find weight-loss solutions that really work. Even bariatric surgery is not a quick fix. But with the right support, lasting weight-loss success is possible.

You need experts who will give you personalized attention over time. At UVA Health, you'll find a support team that truly understands what they're doing and what you need to feel healthy and well.

CTEPH: Chronic Thromboembolic Pulmonary Hypertension Treatment

Service Type

Chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension (CTEPH) turns your life upside down. You may have been a healthy, active person just months or years ago. But now, you have heart failure. Even small tasks might wear you out and make you short of breath. Doctors may not have known exactly what’s wrong and you’ve been looking for answers for a long time.

Breast Cancer Surgery in Northern Virginia

Service Type

You've been diagnosed with breast cancer. Now you need treatment. But finding a breast cancer surgeon nearby can feel overwhelming. How do you know who to see? Where's the best place to get breast cancer surgery?

Why UVA Health for Breast Cancer Surgery?

This is your life. You need excellence and care you can trust. 

At UVA Health, you'll find a Breast Care Center of Excellence, designated by the American College of Radiology and accredited by the National Accreditation Program for Breast Centers (NAPBC).

Cardiomyopathy Treatment

Service Type

Chest pain while exercising, trouble breathing, racing heart, or feeling that you might pass out: These are signs of cardiomyopathy. Cardiomyopathy makes it harder for your heart to pump blood. Over time, it can lead to heart failure or the need for a heart transplant. If you already have this diagnosis, you're wondering what your future holds.

These symptoms are scary. At UVA Health, our heart care specialists have the training and experience you can count on. We can figure out what kind of cardiomyopathy you have and get you the right treatment.