Medical Services

Immunotherapy for Cancer Treatment

Service Type

Immunotherapy is a type of biologic therapy. Biologic therapies use living organisms, natural or lab-created, to treat cancer. When we use your own immune system to fight cancer, it’s called immunotherapy. This treatment enhances and supports your body’s own power.

At UVA Health, we continue to research new immune and biologic treatments. Through clinical trials, we strive to expand the ability of immune therapies to fight cancer. You’ll find we have advanced options not available everywhere else.

Hormone Therapy Cancer Treatments

Service Type

Hormones help control how your body works. Glands and organs in your body make different types of hormones. Some cancers need a hormone to grow. Hormone therapy cancer treatments change your hormones to stop cancer.

How Hormone Therapy Cancer Treatments Work

We can stop or slow cancer growth by changing the hormones in your body. This can:

Why Mammograms Matter

Service Type

You have so many reasons NOT to get a mammogram. You're scared. It's stressful to find the time and energy to fit it into your life.

But it matters. Because you matter. Getting a mammogram means you're protecting yourself and everyone who depends on you. And it shows the young people in your life what good self-care looks like.

What's Keeping You From Getting a Mammogram?

We know things get in the way of your health. We've got you.


Treating Pain With Opioids

Service Type

Whether you have a chronic condition or are recovering from surgery or an injury, pain can interfere with your day-to-day life. At UVA Health, we’re dedicated to helping you find relief. This may include prescribing opioids in a safe and responsible way.

Keeping You Safe and Pain-Free

We understand the risks involved with opioids. But we also know they are effective in helping you manage pain. And we have a special program in place to keep you safe.

Endovascular Abdominal Aneurysm Repair (EVAR)

Service Type

You've been living with your aortic aneurysm in your belly, and it's growing. You're worried about a leak or rupture. You'll likely need surgery. That could mean facing a long recovery.

The heart experts at UVA Health can guide you. We'll answer your questions about abdominal aortic aneurysm treatment. We'll watch your aneurysm to see how big it is and how fast it grows. And we'll work together on the best plan of action.

Abdominal aneurysms are often treated with open surgery. But here we can offer you another option.

Aortic Aneurysm Open Surgery

Service Type

Having an aortic aneurysm doesn’t always mean you'll need surgery. Small aortic aneurysms without symptoms can be watched and don't need treatment. But if your aneurysm gets bigger or causes symptoms, it can lead to a tear in your aorta (called a rupture). If that happens, it can be a life-threatening emergency.

Gamma Knife Radiosurgery: FAQs

Service Type

Can I choose between having a frame-based approach and a mask-based approach?

Your neurosurgeon should discuss these options with you to decide the best option for your condition. If you have questions about this, ask your care team.

Can I breathe with a mask on?

Yes. There are tiny holes in the mesh mask that allow you to breathe. Also, your nose isn't covered by the mask at all.

Diagnosing Voice, Breathing, & Swallowing Disorders

Service Type

Our ear, nose, and throat experts have access to the latest tools and technology to help them make the most accurate diagnosis and create effective treatment plans for your voice, swallowing, and breathing disorders.

Checking Voice Problems

We strive to make sure you get the right diagnosis and personalized treatment that works. That means we'll spend lots of time listening as we go over the history of your condition and paying careful attention to the subtle sounds in your throat to lead us to the right diagnosis. 

Your visit also includes:

Clinical Practice Terms

Breast Biopsy: Key to Diagnosing Breast Cancer

Service Type

It's not always possible to tell from a mammogram whether a growth in your breast is cancerous or not. In some instances, your doctor may recommend performing a breast biopsy to examine the growth more closely.

We offer several leading-edge alternatives to the traditional, invasive, surgical biopsy methods. This means significantly less pain and no scarring.

The type of biopsy your doctor recommends will depend on several factors. 

Pituitary Tumor Treatment

Service Type

Getting diagnosed with a pituitary tumor can answer lots of questions. But it also creates more. Pituitary gland tumors aren't cancer. But they do require timely, effective treatment.

At UVA Health, we see patients with pituitary tumors from all over the world. For more than 20 years, we've been leaders in developing new treatments for pituitary tumors.

We also work to make your experience as convenient as possible. You get to see your whole team of neuroendocrinologists and neurosurgeons in the same visit at the same time.

Clinical Practice Terms