Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML)

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Finding out you have acute myeloid leukemia (AML) can be devastating at first. This fast-moving blood cancer means you have decisions to make. Meanwhile, you probably feel tired, weak, and afraid.

Today, the outlook for many patients with leukemia is very good. Still, where you find treatment matters. Here at UVA Health, you'll find experts ready to give you the most effective acute myeloid leukemia treatment. Our teams offer experience and compassion you can trust.

Why Choose Acute Myeloid Leukemia Treatment at UVA Health?

UVA Health has Virginia's first National Cancer Institute Comprehensive Cancer Center. This means we lead the state in all the services that make a personal difference to you. Our excellence in cancer research, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention means you have access to the most advanced care.

We also:

Chemo for AML Treatment

We use chemotherapy to treat acute myeloid leukemia. Different chemo medicines can put you in remission. Remission means we've deactivated your AML.

We use chemo in phases:

  1. First, to kill leukemia cells.

  2. Then, to stop any left-over leukemia cells from growing.

  3. In some cases, maintenance therapy to keep you in remission.

You might need blood and platelet transfusions. These procedures can take place at a hospital close to your home.

Targeted Therapy

Chemotherapy is the most common treatment for acute leukemias. But now we can target specific mutations of the leukemia cells. We do this with targeted therapies. These can be taken as an oral pill.

A Full Range of Support

It's not just about medical experts. At UVA Health, we're ready and available to support and care for you as a whole person.

Our team of specialists will help you navigate what to eat and how to recover. You'll get guidance on handling the cost of care and emotional challenges. We even have support for the people in your life caring for you.

See all of our support services.

Online Resources

Chat with a specialist and get info on financial aid, clinical trials, more. Visit the Leukemia Lymphoma Society.