Heart & Vascular Awards & Recognition

U.S. News & World Report

U.S. News & World Report has ranked 4 of our heart treatment services as "high-performing," which means they're among the best in the U.S: 

Society for Vascular Surgery

In 2024, the Society for Vascular Surgery Patient Safety Organization named UVA Health among the top 10% of Vascular Quality Initiative centers in the U.S. We also received a 3-star rating, the highest possible rating, for our participation in quality improvement. This award recognizes participation in the organization as a key part of improving the quality of our care.

American Heart Association

The American Heart Association (AHA), one of the most trusted sources of scientific information in cardiovascular medicine, honors hospitals that consistently follow the most up-to-date guidelines for treatment.

Patients who go to hospitals that follow these guidelines are more likely to live if they have a life-threatening heart problem and are less likely to return to the hospital for the same problem, according to the AHA.

UVA Health Heart and Vascular Center received the following awards from the AHA:

The American College of Cardiology National Cardiovascular Data Registry’s ACTION Registry®-Get with the Guidelines Platinum Performance Achievement

Hospitals that receive this award have reached an aggressive goal of treating patients with 90% or higher compliance to achievement measures outlined by the AHA for heart attack care for at least two years.

Get With the Guidelines®-Heart Failure Gold Plus Achievement

Hospitals that receive this award have complied with select quality measures outlined by the AHA for heart failure for at least two years.

Get With the Guidelines Target: Heart Failure Honor Roll

Hospitals that receive this award have reached 50% or higher compliance with Target: Heart Failure measures outlined by the AHA for at least one three-month period.

Get With the Guidelines Target: Diabetes Type 2 Honor Roll

Heart disease is a major cause of death for people with type 2 diabetes. Hospitals that receive this award consistently follow AHA guidelines for treating heart disease in people with type 2 diabetes. 

Get With the Guidelines - Coronary Artery Disease STEMI Receiving Bronze Plus Achievement

Hospitals that receive this award have reached a 75% or greater achievement score as outlined by the AHA for at least one calendar quarter. Plus status is achieved in the same award quarter as the base Bronze award.

Get With the Guidelines - Coronary Artery Disease NSTEMI Bronze Achievement

Hospitals that receive this award have reached a 85% or greater achievement score as outlined by the AHA for at least one calendar quarter.

Mission: Lifeline STEMI Receiving Center – Bronze Plus achievement award

Mission: Lifeline NSTEMI – Silver achievement award from the AHA 

These awards were earned for meeting national standards to improve care and outcomes for heart attack patients. AHA guidelines include

  • Quickly restoring blood flow to blocked arteries during a heart attack
  • Providing counseling on how to quit smoking
  • Providing recommended medications
  • Evaluating how well patients’ hearts are functioning following a heart attack
  • Referring patients to a cardiac rehabilitation program

Blue Distinction® Center (BDC+) for Cardiac Care

Blue Cross Blue Shield Association recognizes UVA Health's Heart & Vascular Center for demonstrating outstanding quality care in three areas— safely, effectively, and cost-efficiently. Nationally recognized for providing quality cardiac care services and improving patient outcomes and complications, UVA Health's Heart & Vascular Center provides affordable care and treatment plans and, ultimately, an overall better patient experience.

Intersocietal Accreditation Commission 

The Intersocietal Accreditation Commission has honored UVA Health with 25 Year Silver Milestone awards recognizing our work in:

  • Adult echocardiography
  • Vascular testing

An accredited facility get this recognition when they have maintained accreditation for more than a quarter century. Accreditation requires that clinicians be adequately trained and experienced and their outcomes meet certain standards.

Becker's Hospital Review 100 Great Heart Programs List

For the second year in a row, Becker’s Hospital Review named UVA Health’s Heart & Vascular Center to its list of 100 hospitals and health systems with great heart programs. The 2024 award highlights UVA Health's commitment to delivering expert, comprehensive care to our heart patients. Becker’s described UVA Health’s Heart & Vascular Center as a renowned facility and “a pioneer in cardiovascular research, participating in clinical trials and innovative studies to improve patient outcomes.”