We answer frequently asked questions about your first LGL leukemia clinic visit with Thomas Loughran, MD.
Dr. Loughran sees patients in the clinic on Tuesday mornings. You can see him for a consultation. But then return to the care of your personal physician.
What tests will be done at the first clinic visit?
All first visits with Dr. Loughran include diagnostic testing. These tests are performed at UVA. This way Dr. Loughran can fully evaluate new patients for LGL leukemia using his standardized testing regimen.
We will also collect your outside records when you call to make an appointment. We can give you a list of tests ordered for all initial visits. You can discuss coverage with your insurance company.
Can I have the diagnostic testing done at my home location?
The tests Dr. Loughran uses to evaluate patients are curated by him. They are specific to UVA so need to be performed here. The tests include flow cytometry and TCR gene rearrangement studies.
How long will I need to be at UVA for my first clinic visit?
For your first visit, you'll need to arrive 1 hour before your appointment. We use this time to start lab tests and take your vitals. Your appointment with Dr. Loughran lasts 1 hour. Then you're free to leave.
For follow-up visits, we ask you to arrive 30 minutes before your appointment start time for lab tests. The follow-up appointment with Dr. Loughran lasts 30 minutes.
When will I get my test results?
Tests done at the first visit generally take 7-8 days. Once the tests are complete, Dr. Loughran will finalize an After Visit Note that includes your test results. You can access the test results and After Visit Note in MyChart.
We will also send copies to your doctor.
How do I find my After Visit Note on MyChart?
- Log into your UVA MyChart account.
- Click on the Visits button. Choose Appointments and Visits from the drop-down menu.
- Select the UVA appointment from the Past Visits section and click the Notes tab.
- Read your note.
Will I need to come back for a follow-up visit?
If follow up is needed, Dr. Loughran will let you know. Patients are also welcome to come back if they choose. To schedule a follow-up visit, please call 434.924.9333.