Get answers to your questions about concussion. And find out the steps to take to recover faster.
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What is a concussion?
A concussion happens when an impact to the head or body that causes changes to normal brain activity.
How can you tell if you have a concussion?
You might notice:
- Headache
- Dizziness
- Vision problems
- Slow or foggy thinking
Symptoms are mild for some people and more severe for others.
Can I get a brain scan to show whether or not I have a concussion?
No. A concussion does not show up on imaging brain scans.
What should I look for with a concussion?
Concussions heal within a few days to a month, depending on your age and overall health. But a more serious brain injury can cause long-term damage to your brain. Seek medical attention right away if you or someone you know has these "red flag" symptoms of a more serious brain injury:
- Decreased alertness
- Severe or increasing headache
- Vomiting, especially while resting
- Dizziness with abnormal eye movements
- Seizure
- Weakness or tingling in the arms or legs
Teammates, co-workers, or friends and family may notice some of these symptoms before you do. Some brain injuries have a delayed effect.
Must you hit your head and/or lose consciousness to sustain a concussion?
No. A concussion is not always caused by a hit to your head or body, and most concussions don’t result in loss of consciousness.
A bump, blow or jolt to the head or body can cause concussion. A blow to the head strains your brain cells, causing a chemical reaction that impairs nerve cell function. This event can cause a loss of consciousness, but often doesn't.
Is it okay to take medicine for a headache with a concussion?
It’s safe to use Tylenol in the first 24 hours, as long as symptoms don’t get worse. You should not take ibuprofen and Aleve the first day after your concussion because they may increase the risk of bleeding. If a headache continues after 2 weeks, you need to return to your doctor to look for other causes.
What exactly does “rest” mean?
This depends on the person. Providers say that patients can continue at-home activities such as watching television, using the computer or playing video games while resting. If any of these make you feel worse, take breaks. You should stop an activity if it causes a headache.
Cellphones are more difficult to use due to the lighting and small screens. But if it doesn’t hurt your eyes or head, then you’re fine. It's good for people to stay connected with friends, school or work while they are recovering.
How long does it take to recover from a concussion?
It depends on your age. After 1-2 days of rest, you should be able to start easing back into your normal routine. But it may take as long as a few weeks to feel recovered. Older people and young children may take longer.
What signs do I need to look for if my concussion isn’t improving?
Everyone is different. Take your time getting back into a normal routine and listen to your body. You should follow up with your primary care provider or outpatient rehabilitation therapist if your symptoms don't get better.
What can I do about vision problems or eye strain?
See your provider. We can refer you to occupational therapy to deal with these issues.
Is it normal to feel anxious or depressed after a concussion?
The symptoms of anxiety feel very similar to concussion symptoms. You may have anxiety and feel like your concussion symptoms are getting worse. A history of anxiety or other mood disorder could make it harder for you to recover from a concussion.
Seeing a mental health provider about your anxiety can help. Meditation and other relaxation techniques can also give you relief.
Are there any dietary restrictions while healing from a concussion?
You should continue eating a normal diet, as your body needs the energy to heal. It’s also important to stay hydrated. Drinking coffee isn’t an issue as long as you can still sleep while you continue to rest. You should continue your routine medicines unless your provider says not to.
Why are multiple concussions serious?
When you get concussions over and over, symptoms can be more severe and it usually takes longer to recover.
Getting a second head injury before the first one heals can cause a life-threatening condition called second-impact syndrome. It can cause swelling, excess fluid, or tissue to shift inside the skull. These can all cause serious health issues.
This syndrome is rare and almost always happens to young athletes in high-impact sports.
Do I have any legal rights while recovering from a concussion?
Several laws exist to help patients return back to normal routine while recovering from a concussion. Return-to-Work and Return-to-Learn provide guidelines to help adults and students adjust back to increased cognitive activities after an injury. Professionals and educators aware of a patient’s condition can recommend strategies and accommodations that help them transition back.
The Return-to-Play law aims to protect student athletes during activities and post-injury. The law requires schools to ensure students’ safety through a combination of:
- Mandatory removal from play if concussion is suspected
- Mandatory bench times after concussion
- Required medical clearance to return to sport
- Required training/education for coaches, parents, and athletes
- Informed consent of parents and athletes about concussion safety