Medical Services

Allergy Treatment

Service Type
Having an allergy can prove challenging to diagnose and treat. At UVA, we have the experience and tools necessary to address complex issues at the root of your problem. We evaluate and treat asthma and allergic respiratory and skin conditions, including hives, seasonal allergies, fungal or mold allergies, recurrent infections and stinging insect allergies. We use state-of-the-art therapies to treat the cause of your allergic condition.

Stroke Services

Service Type
We are proud to be named a Comprehensive Stroke Center, the highest level of certification available from The Joint Commission and American Heart Association/American Stroke Association. Just 3% of hospitals nationwide have earned this certification from the Joint Commission. We are one of three Joint Commission-certified Comprehensive Stroke Centers in Virginia.
Clinical Practice Terms

Access Your Patient's Records

Service Type
EpicCare allows you to track your patient's progress at UVA with seamless communication throughout the referral and follow-up process. Get access to this HIPAA-compliant tool.

GreenLight Laser Treatment

Service Type

Treating BPH: A Safer Option

We use GreenLight Laser therapy to treat an enlarged prostate. If your condition requires surgery, laser therapy carries fewer risks and shorter hospital stays than the traditional transurethral resection or open prostatectomy. 

How Does GreenLight Work?

GreenLight Laser treatment evaporates the prostatic tissue blocking the outlet of the bladder. We place a telescope into the urethra up to the level of the prostate, guide a laser fiber through the scope and then gently vaporize the prostate tissue. 

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Service Type

Older adults have unique needs. As you age, shifts in your ability to balance, fight infection and maintain memory require special attention. If you have caregivers, they may be involved with helping you make decisions about your healthcare.

Our geriatricians focus on the full range of age-related healthcare needs of the older adult.

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Neck Sprains & Strains

Service Type

Neck sprains and strains are similar but different soft tissue disorders.

A sprain is an injury to a ligament caused by overuse or trauma. Whiplash is a common type of sprain often referred to as a hyperextension and hyperflexion injury. A strain is an injury to a tendon or muscle caused by overuse or trauma. Muscle pain that develops from cradling the phone between the ear and shoulder is an example of a strain. 

Both sprains and strains can cause:

Clinical Practice Terms

Neurocutaneous Disorders Treatment

Service Type
Neurocutaneous disorders are a broad group of genetic conditions that result in disorders of the brain, spine, nervous system and/or skin. We group neurocutaneous disorders into a single category because they all affect the nervous system. However, we see patients with symptoms and conditions that affect other parts of the body, too, from cataracts in the eyes to skeletal deformities and hearing loss. Symptoms can range in severity and appear at any age. The tumors caused are not always cancer, but can become cancerous.
Clinical Practice Terms

Botox for Urinary Incontinence

Service Type

An Alternative Procedure: Botox®

If medications and lifestyle changes have failed to help your overactive bladder, you may be eligible for Botox. This treatment can stop urine leakage and a constant need to urinate (urge incontinence).

Botox injection treatment:

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