Medical Services

Orthopedic Trauma

Service Type
Trauma is a physical force applied to the bone that the bone cannot withstand. Orthopedic trauma surgeons work with other specialists to care for fractures, dislocations, breaks and traumatic injuries to your musculoskeletal system from collisions, blows, slips and falls.
Clinical Practice Terms

Lung Cancer Surgery & Treatments

Service Type

You’ve learned that you have lung cancer and need surgery. Or you have a lung nodule that could be cancer. We know that you're scared.

At UVA, we’ll do everything we can to see you as soon as possible. Here, you’ll find the expertise of a top cancer center without the hassle of a major city.

Big Expertise & Small-Town Feel

Our doctors are leaders in their fields. They literally write the textbooks on how best to beat lung cancer and other lung diseases. They also take the time to listen to each patient.

Clinical Practice Terms


Service Type

TomoTherapy treats cancer with radiation. Unlike standard radiation, this type targets each individual tumor. The radiation doesn't hit or hurt your healthy cells. This makes TomoTherapy both effective and safe. 

TomoTherapy at UVA

We've been offering TomoTherapy for a long time. We're one of the first in the country to offer the latest version of TomoTherapy: TomoHD™. This is one of the world's most advanced lung cancer treatments.

Clinical Practice Terms

Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy

Service Type

Chest pain, shortness of breath, and dizziness are concerning symptoms. You might feel like you’re going to pass out or your heart is beating too fast. These symptoms can be scary. They could be a sign of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM).

HCM makes it harder for your heart to pump blood. That’s because your heart muscle gets thicker in some parts, and stiffer in others. That gets in the way of the blood leaving your heart and disrupts how your heart pumps.

Clinical Practice Terms

Heart Transplant

Service Type

You've been told you need a heart transplant. You're wondering about your future. You're nervous about surgery. Here, we can answer your questions about what a heart ransplant means for you. We have the experts and tools to help. 

Clinical Practice Terms

Organ Donation

Service Type

According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 18 people die each day because there aren’t enough organs available to those who need them.

More than 100,000 people are on the waiting list for organs across the country.

Myths & Facts of Organ Donation

Do you have questions about signing up as an organ donor? Unclear about what being an organ donor means?

Urologic Cancer

Service Type
Urological cancer can develop in any organ of the urinary system and the male reproductive system. Early detection is key to successful treatments. Learn more about the diagnosis and treatment of urological cancers at UVA.
Clinical Practice Terms

Heart Disease Prevention & Support

Service Type

At UVA Health, we offer checkups and screenings at convenient locations throughout Charlottesville and surrounding areas. We provide general cardiology care, as well as specialists who treat the most complex heart problems.

Lower Your Risk for Heart Disease

Healthy eating and exercise can help you:

  • Improve your cholesterol and blood pressure
  • Lower your blood sugar or control diabetes
  • Lose weight