Medical Services

Neurovascular Surgery

Service Type
Neurovascular surgery uses minimally invasive procedures to treat common strokes or complex conditions likes chiari malformation. Our neurovascular surgeons approach damaged blood vessels of the brain or spine and spinal cord with a dual-trained expertise that uses the best surgery for your situation.
Clinical Practice Terms

Questions About Brain Cancer

Service Type

It's important for you to understand your condition and take an active role in your own healthcare.

It helps to come to your appointment with a list of questions. Ask questions until you are satisfied that you understand your condition and can explain it in your own words.

Clinical Practice Terms

Brain Metastases Treatment

Service Type

You’ve been through a long battle with cancer before it moved to your brain (called brain metastases). Or you had a seizure and found out you have a cancer that spread to the brain. You may have symptoms like headaches, seizures, memory issues, weakness, and vision problems.

You have lots of questions: what treatments are there? Who should I see for my cancer?

Clinical Practice Terms

Brain Cancer Diagnosis

Service Type
Advanced technology gives you an edge when it comes to overcoming brain tumors. View an overview of diagnostic tools that help us determine the presence of a brain tumor. Learn about the treatment options available to you at UVA.
Clinical Practice Terms

Brain Cancer Support

Service Type
Information about support services available to patients and families living with brain tumors, including neuropsychology, chaplaincy and social work.