Medical Services

Hormone Therapy for Fibroids

Service Type

 At UVA, we offer a variety of medication or therapy options to treat your fibroids.

Non-Hormonal Therapy for Fibroid Symptoms

Some women's fibroids cause discomfort and bleeding. You can manage these symptoms with anti-inflammatory medication. Taking these drugs during your menstrual cycle can reduce pain and blood flow.

Hormonal Therapy for Fibroids

Hormone therapies treat uterine fibroids by shrinking their size and symptoms. They do this by either:

Clinical Practice Terms

Gallstone Treatment

Service Type
Gallstones are pieces of stone-like material that form in the gallbladder. The gallbladder is located near the liver and stomach. The majority of gallstones ...
Clinical Practice Terms


Service Type
Learn how UVA's Neuropsychology Clinic evaluates and cares for patients who experience problems associated with aging, neurodegenerative diseases and other disorders.
Clinical Practice Terms

Functional Neurosurgery

Service Type

Functional neurosurgery, one of the fastest growing types of neurosurgery, provides hope to patients with previously untreatable neurological conditions. At UVA, we use state-of-the-art technology for both diagnostic and therapeutic procedures. Our treatment techniques include: 

These treatments are safer and more specific for condition than previously offered methods.

Clinical Practice Terms