Facial Plastics Reconstruction

Facial Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery

Service Type

The human face is essential to our social interactions. Injury, disease, birth defects, and aging can damage your appearance, behavior, and sense of self.

At UVA, our facial plastic surgery team has earned a reputation for its compassionate expertise. That’s why we see patients from around the world. Our care goes beyond simple repair. We aim to restore your normal sense of self.

Why Do People Need Facial Plastic Surgery?

People need reconstructive surgery of the face, head, and neck, due to:

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Scar Repair and Revision

Service Type

When you have a scar on your face, you can't hide it. Having a scar repair and revision procedure to lessen a scar’s appearance can help you regain confidence.

We first address an unwanted scar by analyzing the reasons it may stand out:

Clinical Practice Terms

Facial Reconstruction

Service Type

When it comes to facial reconstruction surgery to heal and correct the skin and bones around your nose, throat and ears, you want the best. Whether due to genetic factors, skin cancer treatment or traumatic injury, damage to your facial features can make you feel very vulnerable.

About 50 years ago, most patients would have skin cancers removed and then told to let their face heal on its own. Today, we know that how you look can affect your quality of life and your overall wellness. 

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