Sick at Home: What to Do

Make an Appointment

If you have symptoms of a respiratory infection, like:

  • Fever
  • Cough
  • Shortness of breath

Call your local clinic or provider. 

Other symptoms of COVID-19 may include:

  • Chills or trembling with chills
  • Muscle aches
  • Headache
  • Sore throat
  • Loss of smell or taste

If you or someone you care for isolates at home due to illness, take steps to get well and prevent the spread of COVID-19.

High-Risk Conditions to Consider

Some medical conditions can put you at greater risk of severe illness from COVID-19. Check with your doctor if you're feeling ill and you are:

If You’re Sick

Take care of yourself by:

  • Staying home
  • Staying in touch with a healthcare provider
  • Taking over-the-counter medicine to manage symptoms
  • Getting rest
  • Drinking plenty of water

Normal Symptoms & What to Watch For

Coronavirus symptoms can last a few days. You should recover in a week or two. Call your healthcare provider immediately if your symptoms get worse or you have:

  • Increasing difficulty with breathing
  • Bluish lips
  • Mental confusion
  • Difficulty waking up or staying awake
  • Chest pain or pressure

Don’t ignore the signs of other emergencies, like strokes or heart attacks. Our emergency room is still open. If you’re having an emergency, call 911 and:

  • Let the first responders know about your respiratory symptoms
  • Know that we're taking measures to prevent the spread of the coronavirus

Prevent Spreading It

To prevent spreading COVID-19:

  • Stay in one specific room away from other people in your home. If possible, use your own bathroom that others don’t use.
  • Practice good hand, cough, and sneeze hygiene.
  • Avoid sharing personal items, like towels, dishes, or bedding.
  • Clean surfaces you touch, like doorknobs, handles, and countertops.
  • If you’re going to be around other people, whether in your home or because you must go out, use a mask.
  • Don’t use public transportation, if possible.
  • If you have upcoming medical appointments, call and discuss your condition with the clinic. 

If You’re Caring for Someone Who is Sick

When caring for someone who’s sick, take steps to help them get through their illness, protect yourself, and avoid spreading it to others.

In-Home Care

As a caregiver, you'll want to:

  • Monitor symptoms
    • Help treat symptoms with medicine
    • Watch for worsening symptoms, especially:
      • Bluish lips
      • Mental confusion
      • Difficulty waking up or staying awake
      • Pain or pressure in the chest
    • If symptoms get worse, call a healthcare provider immediately
  • Provide lots of rest and water

Don’t ignore the signs of an emergency, like a stroke or heart attack. Get emergency help if needed. Make sure that first responders know about any symptoms, including respiratory symptoms.

Avoid Spreading Germs

In isolation:

  • Have the ill person stay in a room away from yourself and other household members
  • If possible, have them use a separate bathroom
  • Avoid having visitors to your home

Keep yourself healthy by:

  • Keeping your nose and mouth covered with mask
  • Avoid sharing personal items, like towels or bedding
  • Washing your hands often, especially after interacting with the sick person
  • Avoiding touching your face
  • Cleaning surfaces that are touched often, like tablets and doorknobs, every day
  • Washing your laundry thoroughly
  • Wearing gloves while handling the laundry