History of Telemedicine at UVA

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We have been a leader in providing timely access to specialty medical services that are otherwise unavailable in communities throughout Virginia and around the world. The Center collaborates with faculty and students from the University's Schools of Medicine, Nursing, Engineering, Law, Business, Architecture, Commerce, Public Policy, and Education as well as the University’s Healthy Appalachia Institute to generate interdisciplinary research and programmatic solutions to populations’ health problems.

Using standards-based, broadband technologies, we have supported thousands of hours of distance learning for patients and health care professionals and provided assistance to facilities looking to implement new telemedicine services. 

The UVA Telehealth Story

How did our telehealth center begin? How does it benefit Virginia? Watch this video about our telemedicine efforts

Our Mission

Building on 20 years of experience in the use of advanced technologies and broadband communications, the UVA Center for Telehealth works to facilitate access to specialty medical care and support the mission of the UVA Health to advance clinical service, teaching, research, and public service.

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