Medical Services

Endoscopy: GI Procedures Made Better

Service Type

Endoscopy offers faster procedures with less pain. You can have a basic exam or a complex treatment. Either way, you don't need to worry about big needles or incisions.

Providers throughout the region send us their patients. We're known for both high-tech and personalized care.

What is Endoscopy?

Endoscopy uses a tube to see inside your body. This soft, flexible tube can take pictures, remove tissue and foreign objects. We can use it for surgery. Using an endoscope means:

Clinical Practice Terms

Small Bowel Resection

Service Type
Sometimes doctors have to remove a section of the small bowel due to a medical condition or trauma. Here's what to know about this procedure and what to expect from recovery.

Safe Sleep for Your Newborn

Service Type

We are committed to providing the safest care for your newborn. We follow the American Academy of Pediatrics recommendations for supporting and promoting a safe sleep environment. 

The Safest Sleep Environment for Your Newborn

During your hospital stay: