Medical Services

CAR T-Cell Therapy

Service Type
A type of cancer immunotherapy, CAR-T supercharges your immune cells to better destroy cancer cells. This therapy usually requires a hospital stay. But for some patients, we now offer it without a hospital stay.


Service Type

Medical laboratories support the care of patients, serve referring physicians and conduct clinical trials that deepen our understanding of human disease.

What You Need to Get a Blood Test at UVA

To have your bloodwork done at one of our locations, you must:

Emergency Room

Service Type

In the emergency department, we work fast to get you stabilized, intervening to stop a heart attack, stroke, or severe allergic reaction. We treat burns, broken bones, illnesses, and pain that hasn’t responded to over-the-counter medicine.

When You Arrive in the Emergency Room

We follow the same process with each patient. While this may appear chaotic, we actually follow these routines in a very standardized manner.

Clinical Practice Terms

Intensive Care

Service Type

Intensive care, also called critical care, serves patients with serious, continuing conditions. An ICU provides a high level of monitoring and privacy.

Specialized Intensive Care Units

Our dedicated specialists focus on very specific, acute medical emergencies or situations:

Prosthetics & Orthotics

Service Type

Whether it’s because of an injury, illness or simply how you’re made, our prosthetics and orthotics team is dedicated to helping you with your specific movement and cosmetic needs.

We recognize and honor that every situation is unique. Our P&O specialists can create personalized devices that help you have the fullest possible use of your arms, legs or any body part.

What are Prosthetic Devices?

Prosthetics are devices that replace the normal motion of a lost or absent body part. 

Vascular & Interventional Radiology

Service Type

Interventional radiology (IR) uses state-of-the-art minimally invasive techniques and imaging guidance to replace conventional surgery.

IR radiologists perform more than 6,000 cases annually, treating patients, diagnosing disease and providing a full array of patient care for the chest, abdomen, and extremities. Services include:

Clinical Practice Terms

Epilepsy Patient Info

Service Type

Living with epilepsy, you want to know as much you can about the condition and the people responsible for your treatment.

The Epilepsy Experts on Your Team

At UVA, you can trust our high level of focused, specialized epilepsy expertise from your care providers. Our team-based approach to care allows us to explore all available testing and treatment options, including epilepsy surgery.

The epilepsy team includes:

Clinical Practice Terms