Medical Services

Focused Ultrasound

Service Type

Focused ultrasound (FUS), also called high-intensity focused ultrasound [HIFU]), is a procedure that uses sound waves to treat some conditions. The sound waves heat up and destroy or change tiny patches of your body tissue without affecting the surrounding tissue.

Focused ultrasound can treat a variety of conditions, including:

Clinical Practice Terms

Heart & Vascular Care

Service Type
UVA's Heart and Vascular Center is among the best cardiology centers in the US. Make an appointment to get your heart health checked by our experts.

Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease Treatment

Service Type

No matter which type you have, Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease can be difficult to live with. You may be dealing with muscle weakness, balance problems, and trouble doing everyday tasks.

At UVA Health, you’ll find a team of experts experienced in caring for people with all types of Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease.

Clinical Practice Terms

Cancer Treatments

Service Type

Cancer treatments can feel intimidating. You might struggle with figuring out which treatments to have and where to get them.

Talking to Your Doctor About Cancer Treatments

Tell your doctors what’s important to you. State your concerns and worries. Don't be afraid to ask questions and express your values.

Learn as much as you can about your:

COVID Vaccines & Prevention

Service Type

Getting the COVID vaccine is the best way to keep you and everyone around you safe. Even if you don't have any symptoms, if infected, you can spread the virus to those at risk of getting really sick from COVID.

The virus changes frequently, and immunity from COVID (both from vaccination or previous COVID infection) decreases over time (like with the flu). Getting the most current vaccine is the best way to stay safe. 

Breastfeeding & COVID FAQs

Service Type

Breastmilk protects infants against many infections. Most health organizations recommend that mothers breastfeed, even when sick, with few exceptions. 

Here’s what we know now.

Can breastmilk transmit the coronavirus?

Studies of coronaviruses, including COVID-19 and SARS, did not find the virus in breastmilk.

Clinical Practice Terms

Coronavirus & Transplant FAQs

Service Type

As a transplant recipient, donor, or patient waiting for an organ, you may feel scared right now. You and your loved ones may wonder: What does the COVID-19 mean for you?

We’re here for you. Your safety and wellness remains our top priority. If you have concerns, call us. We’ll update this information as needed.