Preparing for Birth and Baby: Class Outline

UVA offers frequent classes to help expecting parents prepare for the birth of a baby and new parenthood.

Get a full list of classes and dates and times.

1. Welcome and Introduction to the Class

This class covers the following topics:

  • What is happening to my pregnant body?
  • Common aches and pains of pregnancy and how to deal with them
  • Basic anatomy and physiology of pregnancy and labor
  • Overview of the stages of labor labor induction/ augmentation
  • Tour and hospital policies

2. Early Labor vs. False Labor — How Will You Know?

  • Early labor — What should I do? What can my support person do to help?
  • Active labor — Some ways to cope and practical tips for support persons to help the laboring mom
  • Positions for labor and comfort measures

3. Transition Phase of Labor — When the Tough Get Going...

  • Second stage labor 
  • Pushing positions and techniques
  • Interventions in second stage labor, including Caesarean birth
  • Pain — How will you cope?
  • Pain medication overview

4. Baby 101 

  • Typical newborn behavior, sleeping and feeding patterns
  • Newborn appearance and reflexes
  • How to calm a fussy baby
  • When to call the doctor
  • What happens in the hospital?

5. Post Partum — What Can I Expect in the First Few Weeks?

  • Local resources and review