Our Efforts for Sustainability

At UVA Health, we are always looking for ways to improve the environment. We do this by:

  • Reducing the amount of greenhouse gases we release 
  • Capturing and conserving water
  • Providing foods that are healthier for people and the environment

Here's a sampling of our sustainability efforts.

Minimizing Our Carbon Footprint

Conserving and managing energy use is the foundation for running a sustainable organization. At UVA Health, we reduce our carbon footprint with state-of-the-art facilities. Our buildings are designed to:

  • Enhance the patient experience
  • Limit the buildings’ environmental impact

As of 2022, UVA Health, along with the School of Nursing and the School of Medicine, have a combined total of 19 LEED certified spaces from the U.S. Green Building Council.

For all of our major construction and renovation projects, we pursue LEED certification or better.