When you arrive, your nurse will tell you about the hospital room features, including how to use the bed controls.
The hospital beds are electronically operated and have a call button and controls for lights, phone, television, and radio.
Volunteer Services can bring newspapers, books, or other items to the room.
Televisions & Music
Each patient bed has access to local FM music stations, stations from Direct TV and special health programs. Ask us for help with closed captions, Spanish programs or headphones to use with the bed control.
WiFi & Personal Devices
For internet access, choose the UVA Health-Guest network and accept the agreement.
Your personal electronic devices (phone charger, laptop) are your responsibility. They may be plugged into any outlet that is at least 5 feet from your bed. For your safety, personal electronic devices used in your bed must be used on battery power only.
Using the Hospital Phone
Outgoing calls: You can make outgoing calls 24 hours a day using your bedside phone.
Incoming calls: These phones do not accept incoming calls between 10 p.m. and 8 a.m.
How to make a call: Dial '9' for an outside line and ‘0’ for the hospital operator. For long-distance calls, dial 1 + 0 + area code and the number to make a collect call or use a phone card. For 800 numbers, dial 9 + 1 + plus the number.
Your Belongings
During the admission, transfer, and discharge process, we'll list belongings brought with you. We ask that you keep valuables at home, but we do have a safe you can use. Items like dentures, glasses and hearing aids should be kept visible and within easy reach.
Food & Menus
A nurse or assistant will help you make meal and snack choices that meet your nutritional needs, restricted diets requirements and other considerations. Also:
- Visitors may order from the menu for a cost.
- New parents receive a celebration meal prior to discharge.
- Children and teens enjoy a menu designed specifically for their age and needs.
Special dietary requests? Talk with your healthcare team.
Hospital Room Restrictions
Bathrooms are for patient use only.
Do Not Touch the Computers
We now use a computer to document your care. You may view your information on the screen with us, but we ask that you don't touch computers or other electronic equipment.
No Smoking or Vaping
The UVA Medical Center is entirely smoke-free.
We observe quiet time in the afternoon and at night. Keep your voices low to allow patients to rest. We offer earplugs or headphones for the pillow speaker on your bed if noise is a problem.
If you have a roommate, please respect his/her privacy and need for quiet.
If you have any questions or concerns, ask your nurse.
Visiting a Patient at University Hospital
Visitors must:
- Follow hospital visitor rules at all times
- Wear a mask in areas where it's required
- Wear a pass at all times
- Not visit if sick
- Comply with any signs posted outside the patient’s room door
- Follow staff instructions
- Wash your hands with soap and water or clean with sanitizer before entering and after exiting a patient room
Late Night
Between 9 p.m. - 5 a.m., you'll need to enter through the emergency department.
Quiet Time
Between 2 - 4 p.m. and 10 p.m. - 5 a.m., we dim the lights and lower the volume so patients can rest.
At the Bedside
Allow the healthcare team to be able to access all sides of the bed at any time.
One person over 18 may stay at the bedside overnight. We offer earplugs and other ways to promote sleep.
Do not feed the patient unless you have checked with staff first.
Please respect the privacy and comfort of our patients. Keep your voice and TV volumes low to allow for patient rest. We observe a quiet time daily from 2 p.m. - 4 p.m. and 10 p.m. - 5 a.m.
Visitors: Taking Care of Yourself
Feel free to take breaks and use the family lounges located on each floor. Make sure to rest, eat and unwind.
Shower options, with towels and other supplies, include:
- The Hospitality House, from 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.
- Ronald McDonald House, from 9 a.m. - 8 p.m. (for pediatric patient care partners)
Use the restrooms in the main hallways, not in the patient's room.
Family visitor lounges are available near our patient units for your comfort.
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