Medical Services

Bell's Palsy

Service Type
Bell's palsy is a sudden weakness or paralysis on one side of the face. It is usually a temporary condition with an unknown cause. Learn more about Bell's palsy at UVA.
Clinical Practice Terms

Inflamed Optic Nerve (Optic Neuritis)

Service Type

The optic nerve allows you to see by carrying images from your eye to your brain. When the optic nerve becomes inflamed, it’s called optic neuritis. This condition can cause reduced vision or loss of vision. This serious condition requires immediate care from your doctor.

Treatment options will depend on the cause of your inflammation, but your doctor will need to develop a specific plan for you.

Clinical Practice Terms


Service Type

UVA Audiology have licensed professionals with specialized training in how our ears work and how disorders of the ear affect hearing, balance, speech development and participation in everyday social activities.

We understand how conditions that affect hearing and balance relate to the overall picture of your health and well-being. So we collaborate with other care providers including doctors, surgeons, speech-language pathologists, teachers, as well as your family members to make sure we're understanding and treating the whole picture of your experience.

Clinical Practice Terms

Gastroenterology Referrals

Service Type
Need to refer a patient to UVA Medical Center for gastrointestinal and digestive health treatment? Use the form on this page or contact UVA's GI & Digestive Health department for more information.

Neuropsychology Testing FAQs

Service Type

Why do I need neuropsychological testing?

Neuropsychological testing helps your provider understand how different areas of your brain are working. It's usually recommended when patients experience change in concentration, reduced organization or decreased memory.

Sometimes, providers use testing to document your abilities before a problem occurs. This establishes your current state and is used to see if, when and how changes happen.

Clinical Practice Terms

Mammograms & Breast Cancer Screening

Service Type

If you're a woman, you have a 1 in 8 chance of getting breast cancer. You can manage this risk. Do self breast exams and get regular mammograms. You can also see the breast cancer screening experts at UVA Health. We'll make sure you get the right type of screening for your personal risk level and needs.

Mammograms save lives. The sooner you get to breast cancer, the better your odds of survival.

Breast Cancer Symptoms & Types

Service Type

Some breast cancers never have symptoms. But symptoms can develop as the breast cancer grows. And different types of breast cancer can cause different symptoms. There are several types of breast cancer. The most common types start in the breast's milk passages (ducts) or milk glands. A rare type of breast cancer, doesn't cause a lump.

Learn more about the different types of breast cancer and their related symptoms so you can catch it as early as possible.

Clinical Practice Terms

Your Breast Cancer Risk

Service Type

Many things can increase your breast cancer risk. Some of these things you can control and some you can't. One major risk is inheriting the breast cancer genes, BRCA1 and BRCA2. Learn what having these genes mean, plus other things that put you at risk for breast cancer.

Understanding BRCA1 & BRCA2 Genes

The mutations that most often cause breast cancer are changes in the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes ("Breast cancer 1 gene" and "Breast cancer 2 gene").

Clinical Practice Terms